Notices / Acknowledgements
I, the undersigned Athlete or parent or legal guardian of the named minor Athlete, as applicable, have read the following notices and acknowledge the policies, procedures, and other information contained within them, and by signing this document, agree to them.
DPSEF – “DPSEF” means the Diamond Peak Ski Education Foundation.
DPST – “DPST” means the Diamond Peak Ski Team, a fictitious business name for DPSEF.
DPSR – “DPSR” means the Diamond Peak Ski Resort.
Athlete – “Athlete” means an individual, over the age of 18 years, registered and/or
participating in any DPSEF program, whether or not the Athlete has paid for the
registration. “Athlete” includes a “Minor Athlete.”
Minor Athlete – “Minor Athlete” means an individual, below the age of 18 years, registered
and/or participating in any DPSEF program, whether or not the Minor Athlete has paid for
the registration.
Contact Information
For any questions or concerns with these notices, please contact DPSEF’s Program
Administrator, Tori Cook, at
[email protected].
Questions regarding coaching may be directed
to DPSEF’s Athletic Director, Mats Boehnke, at
[email protected].