DPST Ski Camps: Indoor Slalom

Start the 2024/2025 season with BANG! 

Why BIG Snow Indoor Slalom Project: 

  • High volume. 
  • Controlled environment. 
  • Consistent snow surface. 
  • Incredibility fast chairlift turnaround time . 
  • Instant feedback - snow and coaches. 
  • 750 turns per session//3000 turns for the camp// 1 month of training condensed into 4 days! 

This camp will kick start the season with a high-dose of fundamentals, athletic stance work, skill & drill, drill courses, brush courses, stubbies courses, panel SL and SL full pole sections. The controlled environment of being inside, the snow surface is perfect! Firm with the ability to push into yet will not deteriorate much at all. This surface also gives instant feedback to the athlete. The tight corridors of indoor skiing allows for almost immediate feedback from coaches. The lap time is fast - tons of skiing and the ability to make changes in skiing quickly. We have secured the entire ski hall during our sessions; only DPST skiing! We will activate prior to skiing with a warm-up/stretching/mobility session, we will also have a recovery session after skiing to keep everyone fresh! Ski tuning will be a very big focus with the snow. Our afternoons will consist of a NYC Cultural experience. The BIG Snow ski hall is located in a pretty cool complex. LINK. This camp will also be a great team building opportunity!

Camp Staff: Lindsay Dowd, Liz Savage, Mike Savage and Mats Boehnke 

Camp is open to U14 athletes and older

Limited Spots Available Secure Spot Now!

Camp Schedule:

  • Oct. 6 - Reno to New Jersey
  • Oct. 7 - Breakfast/Activation, 8-11 SL ski training, recovery dryland, ski tuning, NYC cultural experience 
  • Oct. 8 - Breakfast/Activation, 8-11 SL ski training, recovery dryland, ski tuning, NYC cultural experience
  • Oct. 9 - Breakfast/Activation, 8-11 SL ski training, recovery dryland, ski tuning, NYC cultural experience
  • Oct. 10 - Breakfast/Activation, 8-11 SL ski training, New Jersey to Reno

Required Equipment:

  • Slalom Skis /SL Poles
  • Boots
  • Protection - Chin bar, mouth guard, shin guards
  • Helmet & Goggles - low light lens
  • Team Jacket/Zip off pants
  • Speed suit/Training shorts
  • Ski tuning gear & Wax
  • Athletic attire and shoes

Flight Details: Not included in cost of camp

Delta Air Lines

  • RNO to SLC | Sun 06Oct2024 | DL 1650
  • SLC to EWR | Sun 06Oct2024 | DL 2033 
  • EWR to SLC | Thu 10Oct2024 | DL 2344 
  • SLC to RNO | Thu 10Oct2024 | DL 1607

Camp Cost: $2100 Includes transportation in New Jersey, Lodging, Breakfast & Dinner, Ski Training, Coaching

Athlete Registration Information

Complete the registration form for each athlete one at a time. At the bottom of the page, you'll be able to add additional athletes and complete their registration.

Registration Options

  • October 6-10, 2024.

The following waivers and releases must be reviewed and signed in order to complete registration.

It is understood that Diamond Peak Ski Team (DPST) or Diamond Peak Ski Resort may furnish first aid care, including, but not limited to, transportation of the injured person to a facility where definitive medical care can be provided at the cost of the individual. The furnishing of such care in no way is an admission of, or assumption of, liability on the part of DPSEF or its officers, agents, or employees. It is understood that DPST or Diamond Peak Ski Resort will attempt to contact the parent/guardian of the minor, if possible, prior to transporting the minor to a physician or medical facility for emergency medical treatment. The undersigned grants permission to any licensed physician and/or medical facility to render emergency medical care to said minor and consents to such treatment.

For valuable consideration, I hereby consent to and authorize the taking, editing, use, publication, sale, and reproduction by DPSEF, or anyone authorized by DPSEF, of all photographs and video recordings taken by DPSEF and anyone authorized by DPSEF, which are taken of me, for any purpose whatsoever without compensation to me. All photos and video files (digital files/negatives together with prints) shall constitute property of DPSEF and/or its contractors, solely and completely.
Privacy disclosure: DPSEF never sells or distributes members' information to any third party.

Diamond Peak Ski Team Code of Conduct

In order to participate in any program of the Diamond Peak Ski Team, it is the responsibility of each athlete to meet the following requirements:
Review, understand, sign and abide by the Code of Conduct
Review and understand the DPST Discipline Plan as outlined in the Code of Conduct.
Abide by the National Ski Area Association Skier’s Responsibility Code.
Be prepared for each training session, including maintenance of all personal ski equipment.
Support and maintain the Mission Vision and Values of Diamond Peak Ski Education Foundation
In order for an athlete to participate in any program of the Diamond Peak Ski Team, it is the responsibility of his or her parents to meet the following requirements:
Honor the Volunteer Policy and pay tuition and fees when due.
Reimburse DPST for racer’s costs of racing and travel (if applicable) on a timely basis.
Make sure your child (if applicable) has suitable travel and lodging arrangements.
Review, understand, sign, and abide by the Code of Conduct.

DPST members, including athletes, coaches, officials, and volunteers will conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner, and are responsible for actions in competitions, going to and from competitions, and while at areas hosting competitions as well as at our home ski area. Members are also responsible for knowledge of competition rules and procedures. Unsportsmanlike conduct may result in disqualification from an event and participation in future events.

DPST athletes will show respect for competition officials, ski area employees, facilities, property, operating procedures, and the skiing and snowboarding public. DPST athletes will exhibit courtesy and good manners, responsible behavior, and mature conduct and not use profane or abusive language. Our athletes will obey “Closed Area” signs. DPST athletes will abstain from illegal use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. Our members will demonstrate their respect for their sport and others by attending awards ceremonies and receptions whenever appropriate.

This Code of Conduct parallels the USSA Code of Conduct and applies to all athletes, coaches, parents, and officials of the Diamond Peak Ski Team. Courteous, respectful, responsible, ethical, and sportsmanlike conduct is always expected from all team members, whether at home or at away races on and off all ski mountains.

Code of Conduct violations include, but are not limited to:
Unsafe behavior could threaten the safety of anyone at the ski area. Example: Reckless skiing or jumping, bouncing on or jumping from ski lifts, spearing with poles, throwing equipment.
Willful defiance - continued backtalk to coaches, race officials, and volunteers.
Breaking travel curfew rules as set forth by coach, guardian, or chaperones.
Profanity in any form at any time.
Illegal use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco.

DPST Discipline Plan
1st Violation: Verbal warnings may be given prior to written violations to provide time for voluntary corrective action. If unsuccessful, a written warning detailing the problem and the next step of action to be taken will be sent to parents. Skiers can return to team activities only after the coach and parents communicate and the written warning is signed by parents and returned to the coach.

2nd Violation: Written notice of continuing problem sent to parents and simultaneously skier will be suspended from all team activities until coach, skier, and parent meet, or at minimum, coach and parent discuss a solution to a continuing problem.
3rd Violation: Indefinite suspension from team activities and return of loaned equipment. Coach and parent communicate and determine the final action plan for the skier including whether or not the skier will continue to be a member of the Diamond Peak Ski Team. If an athlete is removed from the team, registration and volunteer fees will not be refunded.
Depending on the seriousness of the violation, the penalty for the first violation may be escalated by the Program Director or the Board of Directors to either 2nd or 3rd violation consequences.

Actions taken on the policies of the Diamond Peak Ski Team are subject to coaches’ discretion and can be appealed to by parents and skiers. An appeal requires a meeting with the involved coach, team manager, parent, and skier.

I have read and understood the DPST Code of Conduct. I acknowledge receipt of a copy of the above and agree to abide by the rules and policies set forth.

This disclaimer governs the use of our newsletter. Through registration for the Diamond Peak Ski Team, you agree to sign up for the newsletter. We do not share your private information with any third parties.

We, the undersigned parents or legal guardians of the above-named athlete who is under the age of 18 years (“Athlete”), have read U.S. Ski & Snowboard’s Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (“MAAPP”) (available at www.usskiandsnowboard.org) and hereby authorize and consent to the Applicable Adults, who are DPST coaches or athletic trainers, to provide to Athlete individual training session that is not observable and interruptible by another adult for the 2022-2023 training and competitive season.

Parent/Guardian or Emergency Contact Information 1

Parent/Guardian or Emergency Contact Information 2

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software